No bread. No milk. And worst of all, no hot chocolate. What's the point of being trapped at home, freezing your testicicles off if you can't even have any hot chocolate FFS?
And how can the shops still be getting any newspapers then? Surely in an emergency situation they are only truly useful as arsewiping fodder. The Mail is best for this as it has so much crap in there already, that smearing it with your own buttjunk hardly makes any difference at all.
I can't even get my online shopping delivered. That's not fucking fair - I'm not on a sidestreet, I'm sure there's plenty of grit on the all the roads between the warehouse/store and my flat.
Oi, Tesco! Employ some drivers with proper dangly things swinging about between their legs, not the bunch of wet simpering pussies you currently employ ( This is not a sexist comment BTW - I'm sure there are plenty of brave women drivers you could employ who possess flaps like Cowboy Saloon doors.)
The schools are all closed of course as we all know that children die horribly if exposed to a little bit of snow.... no, wait, that's teachers isn't it?
And the bins haven't been emptied since before Xmas and won't be for at least another week now. There is a huge army assault course wall of black bags (three flats worth of turkey carcasses and unwanted Xmas shit) all rotting outside next to my kitchen-cum-fridge. (When I say kitchen-cum-fridge I of course mean that it is freezing in there, not that I'm storing up all my wankjuice).
ARRRGHHH! I really hate Jan & Feb. Wish we could ditch them altogether and just go straight into Spring when things can actually start happening again...
Happy Fucking New Year !
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