Thursday, 8 July 2010

I Can't Get This out of my Head

Other people - @ArmyofDave and @antonvowl among them, have written better blogs than I ever could about the Daily Express headline today. focussing on the proper issues raised by the piece and formulating reasoned arguments against the atrocities contained within. I would just like to use it to highlight the importance of not having narrow-minded preconceptions about certain types of people - whether they be straight or gay - and hopefully as a little thing to cheer up people who are naturally different and don't fit into the rigid boundaries set by 'society' (whatever that is)and spend a lot of their time feeling a little awkward as a result (like me). 'Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself' as someone once said- I think it was James Hetfield of Metallica - and 'There Must be more to life than stereotypes' as Blur eloquently once put it.

It is sad that British newspapers like the Express and the Mail are just platforms for extreme prejudice and the way in which the views of Supreme Court judge Lord Rodger (great name btw) have been reported seems to be an insult to everybody's intelligence. He seems like a very judgemental judge. He said -

“Just as male heterosexuals are free to enjoy themselves playing rugby, drinking beer and talking about girls with their mates, so male homosexuals are to be free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts, drinking exotically-coloured cocktails and talking about boys with their straight female mates.”


I am straight. I don't play rugby. I don't WATCH rugby. I don't like golf or Bastard bloody football. (Are you listening people who make Father's Day cards? I don't give a shit about sport. Or DIY. I'm not bald, I've never watched the Simpsons and I don't fart that much.There. Run out of fucking ideas, now, haven't you? )

Just writing about football now is bringing me out in a rash. I have always hated it ever since school when I had to stand and shiver on a freezing field in the snow and ice, dressed in a flimsy pair of shorts, whilst the games master (in a jumper and coat and holding a mug of coffee) barked at us like a mad, angry sea-lion. Afterwards, it would take at least 10 minutes for my fingers to thaw out enough to be able to zip up my trousers.

I have spent the last few weeks desperately trying to avoid all mentions of what I consider to be the most pointless bloody boring past time in existence. After being on tv since about February (well it seems like it) the World Cup finally ends this weekend (had to check that) and then thankfully everyone can shut the fuck up about it. (OK, I did try and bear watching a few minutes of the match that England had to win to qualify but that was more out of a communal sense of 'please don't humiliate us this much, England you wankers' than of any loyalty to the team). 'I don't know or care which teams are in the final. I reckon they should just ask Paul the Psychic fucking Octopus who will win it and save millions by not having to play any of the deathly dull matches.

I don't drink beer. Never liked the stuff. To me it tastes of sweat, fags and unpleasantness. I hardly drink alcohol, apart from at Christmas. But when, a couple of years ago, I DID go out with work colleagues, I would always plump for something sweet, tasty and colourful. Again, this is not because I am gay- I just have a sweet tooth ( I mourned the passing of alcopops as they were priced further and further out of my price range).

I have never talked about girls- not even when I was single. I didn't really think that guys actually did that sort of thing much. I have never been with a group of friends where the conversation has turned to what girls we like or who we fancied. I have never even given that particular topic of conversation any thought and I wouldn't want to talk about girls in that way anyway. I have never cheated or slept around as I have only dated one woman and I've ended up being married to her for the last fifteen years.

What else are heterosexual men meant to like? Cars? I can't stand stand cars and I can't drive, If I had a wish it would be that we's all wake up tomorrow and there'd be no cars (or at least none of those horrible metal, petrol-guzzling cars- I'm up for trying other alternatives and public transport would have to be a million times better organised). There'd certainly be no more football and no more beer (more readily available mead please).

I'm sure there are plenty of beer-swilling, heavy rock-loving, homosexual men out there who've seen the Express article today and were equally offended. It is thoughtless statements and blinkered generalised opinions like those voiced by Lord Rodger that really fucking hurt, every time. But we're all just bloody people - We 're all different- and allowed to be different-aren't we?

But at least everyone likes Kylie - don't they?

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